P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108

Month: April 2024

Prince William County Democrats

2024 Guzman For Congress

Guzman For Congress Canvass Launch

For More Details: Click Here Elizabeth Guzman is the effective progressive running for VA’s 7th Congressional District. A Social Worker. Latina, immigrant, union sister, and mother of 4, she needs…
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2024 Abigail Spanberger Event

Support Abigail Spanberger

For More Details: Click Here Please join David Brickley | Senator Jeremy McPike | Hon. Kathleen Seefeldt Hon. Earnie Porta | Hon. Jacqueline Smith | Marion Wall | Ernestine Jenkins…
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2024 Early Voting with Michelle Maldonado

Early Vote Canvass Launch Weekend of Action for Michelle Maldonado for Congress!

We’d love for folks to join us in their personal capacity if they support Michelle, or are volunteering for multiple candidates in the VA-10 primary. If you could share these…
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Atif Qarni Spring Fling

Spring Fling Fundraiser

For more Details: Click Here Please join us for a fundraiser in support of Atif Qarni for CD10. Light refreshments will be provided, as well as campaign updates and special…
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PWC CD7 Candidates Forum

Come Hear The Candidates For CD7 – April 27th at 1pm

Join Prince William County Democratic Committee for Ask Your Candidates Forum for Congressional District 7 on April 27, 2024, from 1pm-4pm at the AJ Ferlazzo Building located at 15941 Donald…
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2024 Speed-Dating- Candi-Date Forum

Speed-Dating- Candi-Date Forum

Early voting is beginning soon (May 3 in Leesburg!)…have you decided who you will vote for in the primary for our House of Representatives seat? If not, you are in…
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Feminist vs Fascists: Trump Is Not Immune

Feminist -vs- Fascists: Trump Is Not Immune!

For More Details: Click Here Join our Noise Protest so the Supreme Court will hear us loud and clear: 📣 📣 📣 TRUMP IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW! TRUMP IS…
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2024 Dan Helmer Weekend of Action

PWC Weekend of Action with Helmer for Congress

For More Details: Click Here We’ll be going door-to-door, talking with voters in the 10th Congressional District about the Primary and why they should vote for Dan Helmer. Bring your…
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2024 Michelle For Mayor City of Manassas

Mayor Davis-Younger’s Re-Election Kickoff Fundraiser

For More Details: Click Here

Circuit Court Clerk Calls for Student Artwork

Circuit Court Clerk Calls for Student Artwork

Written By: Prince William County The Clerk of the Circuit Court, Jacqueline Smith, Esq. is calling for student artwork from students in Prince William County and the Cities of Manassas…
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