P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108

Flip Coles Blue with Idris O’Connor – Sept 30th at 6pm

Prince William County Democrats

Flip Coles Blue with Idris OConnor

You’re invited to a Fundraising Event at 6pm on the evening of September 30th to join our Northern Virginia neighbors and local Labor community in supporting Idris O’Connor and his campaign for Coles District Supervisor in Prince William County. The Coles District is one of the last remaining seats in Northern Virginia held by a Republican and we need your help to win this competitive district in November.

This event is generously hosted at the residence of Community Leader and former Political Candidate Julius D. “JD” Spain, Sr. in Arlington.

Host Committee in formation: Jennifer Carroll Foy and IBEW Local 26.

RSVP at the following link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/idrisnova