P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108

Latest Issue of The Wheeler Report is out and has information on response to the Afghan Refugees, COVID Update and County News

Prince William County Democrats

Prince William County Board of Supervisors Chair

For More Details: The Ann Wheeler Report

Dear Neighbors,

Like so many of you, I am extremely thankful for the men and women of our Armed Forces who are bravely conducting the dangerous, humanitarian mission of the evacuation. Tragically, yesterday, some made the ultimate sacrifice. Their efforts should not be in vain.

I too have great concern for the Afghan refugees. The evacuation is just the first step of many for the refugees in establishing a safe and peaceful future. On Tuesday, August 24, along with 13 Mayors and County Chairs in Northern Virginia, I signed a statement issued by the Northern Virginia Regional Commission addressing concerns for the refugees and welcoming these new neighbors as they transition to a new life here in our region and across the United States. The next day, I was thrilled to learn the Department of Defense had authorized the use of the Marine Corps Base Quantico in our County to house these Afghan refugees, where I know they will be treated with compassion.

For those of you who can, and would like to help, the article immediately below provides information on how.

In Service,

Chair Ann Wheeler