P.O. Box 1765, Manassas VA 20108

Prince William Democrats on Collective Bargaining

Prince William County Democrats

Prince William County Democrats

Since 1935, Collective Bargaining has been legal in the United States. Initially, it benefitted private sector workers, and then, in the 60’s and 70’s, to the public sector workers in forty states. Collective Bargaining has also been recognized by International Human Rights Conventions as a Human Right. Because of Collective Bargaining, Americans have enjoyed 40-hour work weeks, weekends, health care, numerous work safety provisions,
grievance procedures and increased pay.

Collective Bargaining has always been a foundational issue for the Democratic Party. This is why we, the members of the Prince William County Democratic Steering Committee, applaud the Virginia Legislative Assembly and Governor Northam for finally allowing Collective Bargaining in Virginia.

On May 1st, Collective Bargaining will become law. It is our sincere hope that our local government passes an ordinance permitting employees to enter into Collective Bargaining with their employer. Finally, we intend to endorse and support Democratic Candidates whose platforms support Collective Bargaining in future elections.

For questions or comments concerning this statement, please contact the Chair of the PWC Democratic Committee via email at [email protected].


PWC Democratic Steering Committee

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